Colorado VNA Speaker Series 2016
Colorado VNA’s Speakers Series is designed to offer information and education to help a variety of individuals including seniors, caregivers, and health and wellness professionals navigate the changing landscape of healthcare and foster older adult independence. Admission to all events is free, but space is limited so please RSVP by visiting , emailing, or calling 303-698-6308.
Donations and sponsorships are gladly welcome. For more information, contact Jodie Deshmukh, Development Manager, at or 303-698-6308.
Aging and Dying In Place,
A Community Panel Conversation
6:00PM at Anschutz Medical Campus
Fulginiti Pavilion for Bioethics and Humanities, Gossard Forum
13080 E 19th Ave, Aurora, CO 80045
Click on the flyer on the right for more information or RSVP at .
Thursday, July 21st – Autism to Alzheimer’s
6:00 PM at Anschutz Medical Campus
Thursday, May 12th – Advance Directives: Know Your Rights, Share Your Wishes
5:30 PM at Colorado VNA (390 Grant St. Denver)